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In addition to the contractual obligations arising from the auxiliary supervision of the works as provided by the building permit, our company undertakes the complete construction of buildings from start to finish, or, only part of the process (e.g., concreting only). Our company can also supervise a wide variety of construction works, such as radical renovations of existing buildings (houses, shops, etc.). επικουρική επίβλεψη των εργασιών όπως προβλέπονται από την οικοδομική άδεια, το γραφείο μας αναλαμβάνει και την εξολοκλήρου κατασκευή κτηρίων από το στάδιο της θεμελίωσης έως την παράδοσή της στον ιδιοκτήτη. Επίσης από το γραφείο μας δίνεται η δυνατότητα να αναλάβουμε ένα συγκεκριμένο στάδιο της κατασκευής (π.χ. μόνο σκυροδέτηση) καθώς και ριζικές ανακαινίσεις υφισταμένων κτηρίων (κατοικιών, καταστημάτων κ.α.).


Building construction has become a complex field nowadays. The evolution of science offers multiple innovative options in construction methods, while, new construction materials and electromechanical systems are set to change the building industry. Τα νέα κτήρια πρέπει να εξυπηρετούν τις ανάγκες του ιδιοκτήτη και ταυτόχρονα να καλύπτουν συγκεκριμένες προδιαγραφές This scientific development has increased the quality of studies and constructions, but at the same time, it has elevated the quality requirements. Hence, nowadays, challenge is not the construction of a building that serves part of our basic needs. New buildings must serve the needs of the owner, while, at the same time, meet specific specifications (energy, environmental, spatial, etc requirements). This development in combination with the continuous on-site inspections during the project make it very difficult for an individual to construct a building without any professional help.


In order to finalize the agreement between the client and our company, the terms of the cooperation are mutually decided, i.e., schedule, obligations, project costs, fees and payment method. Once a private contract is concluded, the beginning of works is scheduled. Στον ιδιοκτήτη παρέχεται διαρκής ενημέρωση και επικοινωνία είτε απομακρυσμένα είτε επί τόπου στο έργοThe owner is briefed regularly either remotely or on site, so that they have the whole picture of the progress of the works and the project in general. The supervision of the construction is carried out after the previous stages of the studies and the building permit or approval of works have been completed and implemented. It is done by faithfully following the approved studies and the safety specifications of the projects. It should be noted that the group of professionals that we collaborate in each construction phase are long-term partners of our company with many years of experience.   

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